01 November 2011

Snow sewing

I AM VERY PROUD OF MYSELF.  If you go waaaaay back, you'll see that about last Christmas I was cutting out blocks for a quilt--my first bed-sized quilt.  It was taking up much of my thoughts and time.  And then...it was a LOT of piecing...and I needed clothes...and it got warm out, and, and....that project got abandoned. 

But it snowed here this weekend.  Nothin to do, nowhere to go.  So...guess who now has a brand-new 88" x 88" quilt top?  Huh?!  Yep that's right!  Here's a little peek:

I think I am gonna back it with this Marimekko fabric I bought on SuperSale ($4.95 for SIX YARDS!!) at the Crate and Barrel outlet near my apartment:
It goes from very palest pink at one selvage to deep pink at the other.  I'm trying to figure out how to arrange it, since I'll need two lengths of it. 

As far as clothing goes:  after the yellow dress triumph, I've been in a rut.  I've been really irritated by my inability to make my patterns fit the way I want them to.  And I'm about done with taking classes.  Both the little suit and the floaty cape collar dresses were largely disasters.  But I have not quit.  I am currently working on these:

I'm making 4599 in green sateen and I've started making the middle version of 5671 (with the tie collar) in grey suiting fabric.  Let's see if I can pull these off...


Maura said...

The quilt sneak peek looks beautiful! I want to see the whole thing!!!

miss kate said...

I couldn't take a bigger pic because I can't lay it out in my apt! I'm probably going to take it to the office this weekend to sandwich, so I'll try to get a pic then.


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